The largest wind power generator started operating in Bulgaria.

The largest wind power generator was officially put into operation in the village of Somovit in Pleven district. The investment is made by “Velga” Ltd, a company from Lovech and it is worth 3 200 000 euro. The generator is German and its power is 2,5 MW per hour. Production of electric energy starts when the wind speed is 3, 5 meters per second and develops maximum power at 13 meters per second. The entire facility weighs 360 tons. The project is realized within two years. The wind power generator is included in the energy system of the country and provides energy, which is distributed according to consumption. This encourages investments in alternative energy source. This is the second project of the company on the territory of the village Somovit. The first was launched in 2006, when work began on the construction of the 3 test generator. The investment is worth 2 million euros. The region was selected after preliminary surveys, analysis, annual measurement of winds, calculations for wind power. The company has plans to expand the park with 48 new generators with a total of 120 MW capacity by investing 170 million euros. It is planned the construction of the park to be realize within 4 years. It is expected that the EU funding programs will ensure 20 percent return on investment. The company relies on funds from the program of the Irish government to realized savings of carbon dioxide.
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